
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Passing the time ....

Sometimes things look the same in Guatemala and sometimes they don't. To us this a an old red school bus, but it is really public transportation. This bus is as full as it looks. If I would have captured the whole bus in the picture you have seen a rear door with people just as packed in. Our mass transit is suddenly looking more like a "limo".

We saw this gentleman, more than once, walk by the entrance to our hotel. It is hard to tell by the packages but they looked to be round paper packages in a netting. He would holler out something we couldn't understand. We were guessing that it was some type of food for sale.

These three young boys were watching the fountain in the courtyard and the way they stair-stepped caught our eye. We later learned that they had come to drop off a little boy their family had been fostering - he was going home to the States, and they were having a hard time leaving him. When you look at this picture please pray for them, our first foster child left our home and though we knew it was the way the Lord desired it we still missed him greatly.

People watching. This was how we spent the day Monday after our Embassy appointment. It was so nice to have that behind us. The part of the Embassy we were in reminded me a little of a larger Driver's license facility - with glassed in windows. Jose walked us through the process and was a great help! We also got to meet Gabriel's family and that was a lot of fun, as we had been following their journey to home. It was also nice to enjoy the time with Nathan, with no where to go, just hanging out getting to know one another.

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