
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What to do while we wait?

What's a person to do while they wait? That is the question-and I hope that whatever I do takes my mind off the wait and makes the waiting go more quickly. So as we wait :) for pre-approval from the Embassy and for the Central Authority to register our case we are attempting to be productive in our wait.

We have made a plan for switching our bedrooms around to make the best use of our space. That means that all, but one child, will be moving around inside our walls. While this seems a bit much at first, I am excited about the opportunity to PURGE and freshen our home.

We are making progress in the area of college choices for our oldest. She has made a decision and now is in the "filling out scholarships" mode. It is true what people say, that the years fly by!

For fun, Daniel celebrated his 12th birthday with a sleep-over. Why do they call it a "sleep-over", when no one really sleeps? They had a great time!

This morning Ken piled the younger 4 kids in the car along with a friend and headed to a sledding hill. It was great sledding and not too cold! Ken loves to go as much as the kids.

I think that more importantly, in the wait, we don't want to stop doing what is most important. We don't want to be parallyzed in our Christian walk as we wait. As time goes slowly it is more important for me to stay focused on the Lord and what He has for each of my days, not just the days to come. The Lord is in EACH day and as a family we are blessed each day in so very many ways.

So while we wait it is our desire to honor the Lord each day.


jeffpope.com said...

Amy...I was just considering this topic the other day with a friend.

Here was the suggestion this man gave: "Jeff, you need to find 'something' that has as much energy in it as this adoption does."

This is a man that knows me, but not adoptions (especially Guatemala/International) and yet gets it. That's all he said and left it at that. That was 2 weeks ago. More will be revealed. I'll let you know what God tells me...

Jen said...

What an amazing adventure has been placed in our lives. Thanks for sharing. The last sentence touched my heart and also reminded us how important it is to listen as we wait.

The Wilkens Family said...

Thinking of your family and sweet Nathan each day...holding you all in prayer!