
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy 18th Birthday Joel!

Per Joel's request we celebrated Joel's 18th birthday with an apple pie and vanilla ice cream.

Okay, so this isn't the most flattering picture of Joel, but he said I could keep it on here. We celebrated Joel's birthday with Chinese take-out, yummy. He also started a new job that same day, preparing to be done with high school mid-December and planning a busy semester for January.

Joel is a wonderful young man with a deepening relationship with the Lord. We enjoy him greatly! He possesses a dry sense of humor that we all enjoy.

Happy Birthday Joel!

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