
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Decision Time

Brandon playing at the park.

Nathan loves the playground and thinks he can keep up with his older siblings.

Allison is teaching tennis this summer, too bad they don't teach in the dark as her shirt is so bright that it almost glows in the dark.

Our fish, Molly.

Is it possible to do anything without an MP-3 player?

Nathan spends a lot of time just pouring water into and out of things.

I started this blog towards the beginning of our adoption of Nathan as a place to share my thoughts, so I wouldn't overwhelm my husband with all of my words. :) It has been a lot of fun to share with others how the Lord has put together our family. Well, Nathan has been home a year, we are totally finished with the process and I have to make a decision. Do I continue with the blog or finish up? I am torn as, honestly, I enjoy blogging. I have some ministry things to take care of and I am wondering if it would be better to invest my time more with that. I'm praying about what to do, but while I am deciding here are a few pictures of some of our kids enjoying the beginning of their summer in between the rain.


Sara said...

Hmmm...how about both?! I know about being short on time and having to pick and choose. Yes, the blogs have to wait some. I love your blog, so would be sad to see you go. I think your family is such a testimony to adoption, so I love that you share it, even if is only every so often. Do what God is leading you to do, though.

Hilltops and a Valley of Vision said...

I agree - how about both! You don't have to blog every single week, and I really enjoy keeping in touch as best as I can down here in Texas. Reading your blog is a blessing:) But -- the Lord will give you the wisdom you need. Love you!

La Familia Armstrong said...

I understand what you mean, Amy. It takes time - even just to post pictures. And then you wonder "who in the world is reading this anyway?" At least I do!

You are such precious friends to us. Thank you for your encouragement and example.

We love you!
