
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Outside the Box

I struggle with wanting to save the neat things that the kids have worked so hard on and not having enough storage space to save each and every little thing they make. I have a good-sized plastic tub for each of the kids. In those tubs we save things that represent milestones in their lives. For instance swimming lesson report cards, ticket stubs to a special concert or event, programs from the latest piano recital, or a special card they received.

It is fun to look back at things they have made and done. I hope that when they have their own kids they will enjoy sharing these momentos with them. In the mean time there are certain things that you can't store in a box. So here are a few I thought I would share..

Molly's turkey could probably fit in her box but he'd be smashed after a while.

Of course Brandon's spelling words written on the white board wouldn't fit in his box.

Joel's Great Wall of China definitely didn't fit in his box and would have been a shame to not be remembered as it took Joel quite a while to get it just right.

An Eygptian pyramid didn't fit in Natalie's box.

Could have put this picture in a box but it looks better on Joel's wall.
Joel won Third Place in a local photography contest with this picture from his trip to
South Africa.

It wouldn't be a good idea to put the meal Daniel made for his Food Consumer Science class in a box. But we did enjoy eating it.

So while it is good to have the boxes to store those special things in not everything fits in the box. That's where the camera comes in handy, because while these projects don't fit in the box, the pictures could!

(On a totally different level: I have some thoughts swimming in my head lately to blog about but I need to find the time to sit down and put them all down.)


Sara said...

Very good idea to take pics. I too have "sweater" boxes that slide under their beds that I keep all their goodies.

Kris said...

Thanks for sharing your special treats. :)