
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I had forgotten:
that the new little milestones are so exciting
how heavy infant carseats are
that I have to plan ahead - McDonalds on the run does not have baby food.
how much baby food to buy
that feeding a a little one is a messy job
that a baby in a grocery cart takes up a lot of space
we have to make sure there are no little things on the floor
What's new:
Everything through the eyes of a young child
Nathan is crawling everywhere - gotta watch where you walk!
He sits up constantly and loves to play with his basket of toys
When you put a blanket near him he crawls over and rubs his face on it.
Cheerios and Puffs
His two top teeth are just through his gums
our dog, Sophie, is on guard - Nathan is delighted with her tail
tiny socks in the wash
Some things I hope never to forget:
That the Lord went before us each step of the way as we brought Nathan home.
It is wonderful to have him home!
His smile when he sees one of his family members
Slobbery kisses
Squeals of delight when playing with his siblings
How he looks when he is sleeping


Sara said...

Oh how I love this post! Thanks for sharing these special things:)

Teresa said...

He is so adorable! Exciting to hear what you guys have been up to!

Therese said...

Oh what a cute picture. I just can't get enough of your family!

Thank you for the list - I'm going to use it as my checklist...hopefully soon!


Whitney said...

Sweet post! Have I mentioned that I loved getting to meet Nathan?!?!! Praising the Lord you are able to soak up this summer of being all together!

Anonymous said...

Ken, Amy, and family, we are so excited and thankful for you that you have your precious Nathan home! What a blessing for him and for each of you.

Too bad I didn't read this until Nathan's chicken pox were all cleared up. We have 3 children who still need to get them!

The family pictures are great! You have done a very nice job on your blog. If ever we adopt again, you'll have to give me pointers!

Rejoicing with you!

Greg, Sharlene, and family

David and Marianne said...

He is just precious! Having a baby around after graduating from that stage of life is an adjustment for sure... a good one though!! Cute post, thanks for sharing!