
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Full Heart

My heart is full of emotions and my brain is a little on overload this week. The older boys are starting school tomorrow. Allison is off to college on Saturday and the Park Homeschool Academy re-opens it doors on Monday. Yikes, I better get organized!

This past Sunday we had Nathan dedicated at church. What a great reminder of the task we have ahead of us as parents and of the awesome brothers and sisters in Christ that will come alongside us to encourage and spur us on. After our usual after-church stop at McD's I had this great idea to go down the street to the Botanical Gardens and snap some pictures of the kids.

Well, as you will see Nathan slept through the entire thing. We had taken him to the nursery for the first time at church and his nap schedule was thrown off. He was like a rag doll. Oh well, we'll try again later. So, here you go, some shots of our wonderful kiddos that the Lord has blessed us with. I am in awe when I see them all together that the Lord would entrust them to us for a time.

Our Crew
Our Darling Daughters

My Wonderful Husband with our Very Tired Little Boy

Our Handsome Boys (and Nathan is still asleep).


Sara said...

Nice pictures, even if sweet Nathan is sleeping. Knowing that God will give you what you need to raise these wonderful children:)

David and Marianne said...

I love pictures taken outside... nothing beats natural lighting : ) Your children are beautiful... makes my heart full for you!

Leslie said...

What beautiful kiddos!