
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Crazy days and Polka Dots

Wed. night - Home! Yeah!

Thurs. - Allison leaves with a friend for college orientation. I do wash and put the house in order. My wonderful husband is going to hold down the fort. I am struggling, wanting to be with both our youngest and oldest. I had toyed with the idea of brining Nathan with me to orientation but I would have had to fight the rest of the family for him.

Fri. - I leave for orientation. It appears I have picked up a little "bug" from Guatemala.

Sat. - We return from orientation around noon. I collapse on the couch.

Sun. - I am feeling a little better. Watched the US Open - I've never watched golf before. Everyone is smothering Nathan with love.

Mon. - Ken thinks Nathan has a rash, on closer inspection he has the Chicken pox! (I am very sorry for anyone who we came into contact with in the airport - who knows when he was contagious).

Tues. - What we thought was a light case is now growing rapidly.

Thurs. - He is sufficiently covered with the Chicken pox.

It is now over a week and all his spots are dried up and many of the scabs are gone. He smiled through most of the pox, except for one day. He is precious, polka dots and all. It was not the way we had planned his homecoming week, but it is the way it went and it was a memory-maker!

Please be in prayer for another Nathan's case at the Children's Home and for the other children there that have the chicken pox.


Sara said...

what a bummer that he had to get those, but it was great you were there with him through it all.

Deidre said...

On no! I thought that you guys had missed the wave of the Chicken Pox! I am so sorry. At least he is better now, and you got to love on him through it. So good to see pictures of him home!

David and Marianne said...

What a week! During this LONG adoption process, I think we all get dreamy ideas of how it will all play out in the end... but that just isn't real life, is it??

Poor mommy and poor baby... glad you are both feeling better!