
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Our Little Man!

Brandon turned 5 today! How did that happen?! Seems like yesterday he was a little bundle and now I can barely pick him up! Happy Birthday Brandon!

Brandon's comment to his oldest sister this morning - "Now I have to learn to tie my shoes, you have to tie shoes when you are 5."

Dreaming at the Car Show with Daddy and his brothers.
Brandon behind the wheel - Yikes!

Brandon is still young enough that he seeks out the "family birthday hat".

Brandon has a great sense of humor - if you are missing something, it is possible that Brandon has hidden it; you might have to tickle the hiding place out of him. :)


Whitney said...

Happy birthday!

Hannah, Austin, Noah and Ellie

Becky said...

I can't believe that he is 5 already! I remember when you first got him and you brought him to GNO couples night at our house! You all are such a blessing! Happy 5th b'day Brandon!
The Klaus'

Charisa said...

What a handsome smile!!!