
The Lord has blessed our family greatly both through adoption and birth. And because there are so many personalities in our family there is much to think about. This blog is a way to put some of those thoughts down and share our journey.

I hope that my words spur you on, encourage you on a so-so day, and point you to the Lord.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Some Unexpected Blessings

He looks squeezable! Can't wait to be able to cuddle with him!

UPDATE: Wt:10#15oz. Ht:22 inches long "He is happy, smiles alot, and he is lovable."

Case Update: We continue to wait for our Pre-approval from the US Embassy in Guatemala. Please pray that this would come soon.


Teresa said...

In the six months since we have been in Guat, I have forgotten how adorable the head full of stick-up hair is! He definitely looks squeezable. It looks like he's counting down the days on his fingers until he is with his forever family!

David and Marianne said...

SO sweet Amy! Hoping and praying his case moves along with GODspeed!! love, Marianne

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . A hug.

John and Sarah said...

Amy- Could you email me? I found a blogger who I think you would be a great blessing to. growyoungatinsightbbdotcom

I'm lurking on your website, btw:) What a sweetie!

Whitney said...

Praying the Lord is glorified in you all receiving PA soon!

jeffpope.com said...

thanks for saying hi...love your blog and really LOVE your story. ITS JUST RIGHT!!! i love how God's plan works so much better than mine. prayer right 'atcha. peace, calm, and acceptance too.